Mr. UFO's Mother Ship

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Message from Planet Serpo.

H: Hello and welcome to UFO News. I’m Harry Thyng.

R: And I’m Ross Well. Tonight we have an exclusive report all the way from the planet Serpo in the Zeta Reticula star system.

H: Isn’t that where the humans went on that exchange program?

R: That’s right Harry. This is actually a re-enactment taken from logs of the crew members on that mission. Let’s have a look, shall we. Can you roll that film please Dickey?

Cuts to film of Serpo team members.

S: Hi, I’m the Team Commander known to the aliens as 102, but you can call me Skipper.

SK: And I’m 225 or Sky-King, one of the two pilots on this mission.

S: So, this is Serpo.

SK: Yup. 37 light years from earth.

S: It took our team, in an alien craft, nine months to travel the distance.

SK: Thanks to birth control our crew is still 10 men and 2 women.

S: During the trip, we were frequently dizzy, disoriented and suffered from headaches.

SK: Maybe we shouldn't have drank so much during the trip.

S: The craft did not go through any weightlessness during the trip. It was was very big and we were allowed to exercise.

SK: But mostly we just drank a lot.

S: Once we arrived on the Eben planet, it took us several months to adjust to the atmosphere. During the adjustment period, we suffered headaches, dizziness and disorientation.

SK: Can you guess why? Glug, glug.

S: The radiation levels of the planet are a little higher than that of Earth. We are careful to cover our bodies at all times.

SK: At the equator, the temperature stays between 94° and 115°Fahrenheit so we settled in the Northern Hemisphere where the temperature dropped to between 55 and 80 degrees.

S: The alien ground transportation used by our team is similar to a helicopter. The power system was a sealed energy device that provided electrical power and lift for the craft.

SK: It is very easy to fly and our pilots learned the system within days.

S: Well, most of us did. The aliens have vehicles which float above the ground and do not have any wheels.

SK: There are leaders, but no real form of government. There is virtually no crime seen by us.

S: They have an army, which also acts as the police force.

SK: We learned that the hard way during one of those periods of disorientation. Glug, glug.

S: No guns or weapons of any type have been seen by the team.

SK: Luckily for us because we were so wasted.

S: There are regular meetings within each small community. There is one large community, which acted as the central point of the civilization.

SK: All the industry is at this center. There is no money. Every alien is issued what they need.

S: There are no stores, malls or shopping locations. There were central distribution centers where aliens go to obtain the items they need.

SK: All the aliens work in some capacity. The young ones were kept very isolated.

S: The only other trouble our team members have gotten into was when they attempted to photograph the alien children.

SK: Sorry about that.

S: I wouldn’t want you taking pictures of my kids either. You’re lucky to get off with a warning.

SK: Oh man. I just farted. Quick, help me get this helmet off.

S: Sorry, I’m needed in linguistics.

Back to Ross and Harry,

R: That was different

H: I’ll say. It sounds like all they are doing is drinking.

R: Well, that’s all the time we have for tonight. Thanks for watching. We’ll see you next time on UFO news. Visit Mr. UFO at his blog at www.mister and feel free to leave a message. I’m Ross Well.

H: And I’m Harry Thing saying.

R: Keep your face to space!

Watch it again!

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